College Basketball Survivor
Survive the Madness
Contests played
Picks made

You now have more ways to play. Continue playing for entertainment only, or upgrade to our new offering where we collect entry fees and pay out the winners for your private contest.

Ready to play for real money?
Time to upgrade your contest to Splash

Prohibited by law
Play with real money?
Organize games for your friends and community
Hassle-free entry fee collection
Automated, customizable prize payouts
Simplified tax reporting
per player in your pool
Simple fee structure
on entry fees processed
Play / Run contests for ca$h prizes
How Splash Works
Start Your Contest
Choose your game type and customize your settings. You can upgrade your existing contest or start a new one in just a few clicks.
Invite Your Group
Send out your invite link and get your friends or group to join your contest on your own customizable Commissioner Hub.
Splash Collects Entry Fees
When players join, we will give them the option to enter the contest via debit or credit card, ACH, Paypal or Venmo (coming soon).
Splash pays out winners and rewards you
We will hold the prize pot, score the contest and pay out winners quickly and securely. AND, you get rewarded for running your contests.
1:1 Customer Service
Talk directly to our development staff when you have questions.
2 Million Fans
Established in 1999, and our fan base keeps growing.
1 Billion Picks
Time tested software that you can trust to get your picks in.